Logan won the Reading award for the 1st Grade last year- he is going for another one this year!
Scott relaxing on our vacation to Callaway Gardens.
Logan enjoys playing baseball and football.
Logan had a GREAT time in Pensacola with family this July!
Logan had a cycling accident in Callaway Gardens- turns out his head was harder than the bridge he crashed into.
Logan loved all of the plants and flowers at Callaway- he has a little farmer in him I think!
Logan even tried his hand at photography- too bad he didn't have a better model!
Some of my favorite men enjoying dinner together!

Here is a quick update on what we have been doing this summer.  We took a few short vacations and visited with friends and family.  Scott has recently purchased a "toy" to fill the little free time he has.  The 1976 Scout is really "cool" according to Logan.  Once it is fixed up it will be a perfect camping vehicle.  We are all looking forward to that.  Stay tuned for pitures of the work in progress!

We are settling into our life in East Palatka well.  It has taken some getting use to the smaller house and less convienence of small town life but it is relaxing and much less stressful than life in the big city.

If you are ever in the neighborhood, let us know.  We would love to see you!